Thursday, June 10, 2021

Std-3 HOM LARNIG ALL VIDEO:Bridg Course - 2021-22

 Std-3 HOM LARNIG ALL VIDEO:Bridg Course - 2021-22

Std-3 GyanSetu Study Materials Video:Bridg Course - 2021.Prospective investors can think that SIPs and mutual funds are the same. However, SIPs are merely a method of investing in mutual funds, the other method being a lump sum. A SIP calculator is a tool that helps you determine the returns you can avail when parking your funds in such investment tools.

Systematic Investment Plan or SIP is a process of investing a fixed sum of money in mutual funds at regular intervals. SIPs usually allow you to invest weekly, quarterly, or monthly.

Assured returns: Blue-chip stocks generate returns quarterly in the form of dividends. The fact that companies that are well-established also serve as a safe investment avenue for most investors. With this safety comes the assurance of earning steady but guaranteed returns.

Credit-worthiness: Blue-chip companies have enough capital to clear their financial dues and obligations easily. This, in turn, makes the shares issued by such companies high in creditworthiness.

Risk factor: Since big companies with stable financial performance issue these stocks, the risks factor associated with blue-chip companies are comparatively less. Investors can further reduce the burden of risk associated with blue-chip shares by diversifying their investment portfolio.

Investment horizon: The term of investment is usually over 7 years. Such extended term makes Blue-chip suitable for achieving long-term financial goals owing to its long investment horizon.

Growth prospect: Blue-chip companies are those large companies that have reached their maximum growth potential. This influences the Blue-chip shares who undergo slow but steady growth over time.

Taxation: The gains generated through blue-chip shares in India are treated as income under Section 80 C of the Income Tax Act. The short-term capital gains are subjected to taxation at the rate of 15%. However, the long-term capital gains exceeding Rs. 1 Lakh are subjected to taxation at the rate of 10%.

Stable and regular dividends: Irrespective of the market conditions, blue-chip stock investors avail stable returns on their investments. Such returns are generated in the form of divided which are extended to them quarterly.

Opportunity to achieve financial goals: Being a long-term investment option that comes with an investment horizon of over 7 years. It gives investors ample time to build a healthy corpus over the years for their respective financial goals.

જ્ઞાનસેતુ વિડિયો ધોરણ-3

Advantage of portfolio diversification: Blue-stock companies are high-profile business organisations who do not generate revenue from just one channel. It not only allows them to cushion their losses against operational setbacks but also allows their investors to spread out the associated risks of blue-stock shares.

Liquidity: Blue-chip companies enjoy market goodwill and high creditworthiness. It directly enhances the market value of blue-chip stocks and makes them an attractive investment option for investors. This directly facilitates the purchase and sale of such stocks making the liquid in nature.

હોમ લર્નિગ ધોરણ-3 ના વિડિયો જોવા અહી કિલીક કરો. 

Government bonds are low-risk investment options that are issued by the government of India and monitored by the RBI. Such bonds extend fixed interest to their investors and allow them an opportunity to diversify their investment portfolio. Additionally, government bonds extend tax benefits to investors and offer liquidity.

Blue-chip stocks in India are an attractive investment option for individuals who want to generate steady returns over a long period. However, investors can always explore other investment avenues and enhance the profitability of their investment portfolios.

Additionally, they must realize the need to prioritize their financial goals, income and risk appetite before investing in any investment option.

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