Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Reconstitution of School Management Committee (SMC) 2021.

Reconstitution of School Management Committee (SMC) 2021.

the Act of Central Education Rights, School Management Committee should be formed and reorganized once in 2 years in all government schools except unaided institutions. The SMC representatives should be elected from a General body meeting inclusive of all parents. Unless it should be cancelled to reform another one as per the said norms and guidelines. It should comprise elected representatives from local self government, elected representatives of the parents and teacher representatives etc. In the case of student of selected representative left school due to any reason and issued T.C. or left after completion of the course, the parents or the guardian of the students of similar sect should be selected to fill the vacancy for the rest of the period. Except the ex-officio member, convener or the joint convener, ward member of local self govt, no other members can be the member of the committee more than two times continuously. Number of members in the Committee

(i) In a school with students below 750, total members can be 16 apart from the convener and joint convener.

(ii) In a school with more than 750 students, total members can be 20 apart from convener and joint convener.

(iii) 75% of the members in the committee should be the parents of the students or guardian in the absence of parents. Also it should include – members of Mother-Parent -Teacher Association, parents of selected students, parents or guardians of - students belonging to the weaker section of the society, students eligible for special consideration. Enough representation be given to the parents representing back ward sections and depressed category.

(iv) The rest of the 25% of the members should be from the sections given below.

(a) Ward or division member of local self govt from the location of the school

(b) A teacher selected from the school by them

(c) An educational expert from the place , selected by the parents

(d) School leader

(v) For the execution of administrative affairs, a chairman or vice chairman should be elected from the parent – representatives. Head Master or teacher in charge would be the ex-officio member convener of the committee. In schools with higher secondary section, Principal would be the ex-officio member convener and HM , the joint convener.

(vi) Convener has the right to invite three experts at a time for seeking expert opinion regarding protection of children, health, nutrition, psychology, and administrative activities being undertaken by the committee.

(vii) The committee should meet two months once at the least.The minutes of the meet be recorded properly and decisions be taken based on the opinion of the majority. Also it should be displayed on the school notice board in such a way that even the public can notice it.

(viii) Assistant Educational Officer should confirm the formation of the committee, trainings imparted to the members and evaluate the activities as well. Duties of the Committee

(a) Monitor the activities of the institution

(b) Preparation of School Development Plan and recommend for its implementation

(c) Over see the distribution of financial aid available from state government, local self government departments, or other agencies.

(d) Apart from these, the duties given below have to be done by the committee

(i)Simple creative discussions on rights of children under Right to Education Act, duties of the state govt, local self govt departments, parents etc should be conducted with the people in the area where school is situated.

(ii)The punctuality maintained by the teachers in being present in school, meetings between parents or guardians and teachers to make them aware of the attendance, curricular and co-curricular abilities of the students, improvement in studies and other such details of the students should be confirmed.

(iii)Also ensure teachers are not assigned other duties except – census, disaster relief activities, local self government or state government or parliament election,

(iv)Teachers are not handling private tuition or educations activities- should be ensured

(v)Monitor whether the expected improvement in learning as said by the Centre for Academic Activities is achieved.

The absence of teachers and students be noted. Action be taken to fill leave vacancies for a period of less than a year from the empanelled list of teachers prepared by local self government departments on daily wage basis.

(vi)School admission and continuous attendance of the children of that area should be ensured to avoid the complete ‘drop-out’ of children. Students who is absent for 15 days continuously should be included in the drop out register and steps be taken to rectify the factors leading to the drop out of the child and bring him/her back to school.

(vii)Monitoring be done in the above said matters and laws and standard specified in Kerala Education Act and Rules for the conduct of activities in all sections of the school.

(viii)Any deviation in rights of children especially mental or physical harassment, denying admission, any aids available free of cost being not given on time etc be taken to the notice of the Local Self Government Departments.

(ix)Need based Action Plan be prepared

(x)Arrange additional coaching classes for children who need special care, and compensatory classes for children who gets late admission or who lag behind in studies. Also make it sure whether class PTA and Mother PTA etc are conducted.

(xi)Physically disabled children’s admission, the facilities needed for them, their role in primary education and whether they complete their course of study – should be supervised

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