Thursday, June 17, 2021

Latest Circular 16-06-21 for students studying in Std. 1 to 12 to work under Aadhar Enabled DISE-Child Tracking System for 2020-202.

Latest Circular 16-06-21 for students studying in Std. 1 to 12 to work under Aadhar Enabled DISE-Child Tracking System for 2020-202.

Conducting work for 2020-2 under Adhar Enabled DISE-Chiled Tracking Stem for students studying in subject Std. 1 to 12.MoE (18th Ministry), East (MIRI>, Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi)) (As per the instructions received from the Government of India, the study in Std. 1 to 12 is to create a database of unique IDs and names of all these children. The information of students studying in Std. 6 to 8 from the year 2016-17 and all the students studying in Std. 6 to 12 from the year 2011-12 through Aadhaar and Dias Portal for the purpose of getting accurate, basic roll time and up-to-date information from where. The work of the dashan is done every year as per the requirements. For this year, under 202, the information of the students studying in Std.

The whole education is like a pause in personal work, Aler unce System, School Monitoring App (CRC-BRC), WSDP, Divyaan-App, G-shala App, Mindsparks, geplante system Gunotsav Nine Vidha. Adhar Enabled.DISECJ Tucking Ser (CTS) Admission Enabled.DISECJ Tucking Ser (CTS) Admission Enabled.DISECJ Tucking Ser (CTS) Adhar Enabled.DISECJ Tucking Ser (CTS ) Is taken from the unit. Others of Gujarat Government

Kettle Gujarat Patan like Vamkhail Achin of the department, 19 on the state of Krim, and in the CMinhboard portal nominated by me from the Chief Minister, spent the necessary time in providing Adh Fried DISE-Child Trickling St (CTS) march due to which Adhar Enable DISE-Ciild Trucking System T5 ) Is found living in the operation of the application,

In addition to this, the Air Enabled DISE-Chill Tracking System (CIS) application of the newly admitted students in the third rank from 2021-2 this year has been attached to the dhar Enabled SE-Cild Tracking system (CTS). (Birth Certificate) May I have to check the happiness and what happened in the village city. The child will then have to enter the birth registration egitration. Or the child's certificate number (Commificate No) will be forwarded so that the registration can be corrected by finding the data from the ahinshan in such a way that the child's name, father's name, gender, date of birth, birth registration number and birth certificate number The field will be entered automatically. Nine entries if the field of CTS is amended

In the year 2016, other schools run by Gujarat Board (Government subsidized / non-subsidized etc. and affiliated with other boards (without central / sanifilve) all the schools in the state have to perform the following activities mainly at school level under Aadhaar and Dial for students studying Std-1 to 12. Is

The entry of the newly admitted students in Std. 1 has to be done as mentioned above.Information of students enrolled in the year 2020-21 will have to be budgeted for the year 2021- (2) Information of students from Std. Students who have gone from Std-9 to Std-9 to Std-9 to Std-9 and from Std-10 to Std-11 should also ensure that the school from which the child is going is enrolled in the same school or other school.

If a child of Std-9 and Std-10 who has gone for education in Vocational Education, ITI etc. instead of enrolling in another school from that school, the details should be shown in the Remarks column of online update and if he has dropped out, the reason should be given.The following instructions have to be followed from the school level under Aadhaar Dias.In 2031-6, the school may decide that the entry of Std. 1 should be done in English only. For the entry of Std. Then the birth of the child is registered with Ki-b (Refrntioxo)

With the entry of Certificate No. of the student for the standard. So that the data from the birth registration authority cannot be modified in such a way that the child's name, father's name, mother's name, caste, date of birth, birth registration number and birth certificate look will also be automatically deducted from the fee of this data CT8. G. If this data is found to be improved, the field of CIS can be improved and the memory can be completed.

In the year 2021-9, in order to update the students from Std. 1 to Std. One by one, the school has decided to update the information of the students by clicking on the link online.Guess the song for the year 2018. The 12-digit base of the students who have been transferred from the school today will get all the information of the student by pressing the unique code "Enter Sarh."

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