Mdm Food Security Allowance Feb-March 48 Day & MDM CUPAN ALL ROUND EXCEL FILE
Mid day meal scheme was started in 1984 in Gujarat. In this scheme the share of central government is of 75% and the share of State government is of 25%. it involves provision for free lunch on working days for children in primary & upper primary classes in government aided, local body school.
The satisfaction level of availability of eating utensils is high in Valsad district (98%),Panchamahal district (95%), GirSomanath district (85%) and Ahmadabad (65%).
The satisfaction levels about various infrastructure facilities of MDM are mostly satisfactory across all the districts as well as location of schools under consideration, with an edge over in Valsad district and schools located in rural and urban areas.
Overall, it can be inferred that large number of schools is grains from fair price shops irrespective of type of school or location either rural-urban or district.
it can be derived that, with a few exceptions, a marginally greater percentage of schools, irrespective of their category and location have metallic containers for storing food grains and other ingredients,
A large percentage of cooks-cum-helpers is being received a monthly honorarium of Rs 1000-2000 irrespective of category and location of schools as well as across the districts.
Each centre is entrusted with one overall supervisor, "organizer/ sanchalak". Each Sanchalak has a cook and helper with him/her. Cook is responsible for cooking the meal as per the
prescribed menu and helper is entrusted with the task of maintain hygiene. A teacher /principal of the school are also given the responsibility to see that the cooking and serving meal is properly done. A teacher has been entrusted with the task of participating and eating with the children.
In the State of Gujarat, mid day meal is being prepared with the help of L.P.G stoves, total446centers have been provided with.L.P.G connection and remaining L.P.G. connection have been
purchased under TASP scheme. This improved the environment of the kitchen and health of the cooks.Regular tasting of food before serving to children by teachers and entry in the register is scrupulously followed.
The inspection norms for the MDM centers are also followed at the Block and District level. The MDM supervisors also visit schools
regularly to ensure safe and healthy food. Any irregularity is appropriately acted upon. In the current year 34307 centers are inspected and 220 samples are taken for quality check.
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