Wednesday, January 20, 2021

WhatsApp based weekly exam std 3 to 10

 WhatsApp based weekly exam std 3 to 10

Regarding the above subject, it is to be mentioned that episodes of Std. 1 to 5 and Std. 6 to 8 are being telecast from DD Girnar channel through Doordarshan Kendra under Home Learning through Std. 1 to 5 and GCERT. The entire education and C.C.C. Live online classes are being telecast under Gujarat Virtual School (GVS) for students of Std-9 to 12.

As students are doing academic work from a distance mode in the present circumstances, it seems very necessary to check the learning outcome level of the children.For this the whole punishment as well as the C.C.C. A WhatsApp base is planned to be evaluated weekly through.


As per the list included, the standard wise subject wise WhatsApp based weekly test is aired on Doordarshan Kendra based on the content of Std. 6 to 8 as well as the subject matter of GVS live classes for Std. 6 to 12. To be launched on a pilot basis. WhatsApp based examination based on 10 multiple choice questions of environment, Gujarati in Std-6 Gujarati, Std-2 Gujarati and Std-8 Gujarati will be organized on 8.1.2021. Test of Std-9 to 12 will be held from 20.1.2021. 

The guidelines for this are included herewith. You will be sent a WhatsApp message as well as a guide in this regard.Please provide this information to all students in all schools in your district through their school.In order to help the students from the state level in the epidemic of COVID-19, many programs are run by Shiksha Gandhinagar. According to today's technology

In an age when students are able to operate multiple devices, through the WhatsApp, children can test their own proficiency in their studies and find themselves having difficulty in their field through their own practice and need to do more rehearsals at which point of the chapter. He may even know. For this, a weekly practice (self-assessment) based on WhatsApp has been organized.

The number 8595524523 has been fixed for this.

Is. If the student saves this number and just writes HELLO, he will get Quick REPLAY. Thus Quick REPLAY is their distinguishing feature throughout the process. Students will get Quick REPLAY if they just type HELLO. Thanks for joining the HOME LEARNING program. Study will not stop now. Please school U.S.

Write and send the dice code.The details of the school will be sent as soon as the student's U-Dice code of the school is written and sent.

In which the name of the school, dice code, taluka, district and also 1 reply for yes will be typed and sent. And if there is wrong information, type 2 replies and send.As soon as the student types 1 reply and sends it, he will ask them to select the standard. In which the student has to state his standard. What is the first name of the student as soon as the student states his standard? It will ask for details only in English alphabet and child tracking (according to Aadhaar Enabled Dias).

As soon as a student types his first name Pratish Reply and sends it, the name of the father and the date of birth of the student will be displayed in the school and as many students as there will be in that class. The order of his name among them will be to ensure it.

Save 8595524503 for Bharuch, chhota udepur, Narmda, Navsari, Surat,Tapi,,Dang,Vadodara and Valsad

Save 8595524502 for Amreli, Bhavnagar, Botad,Devbhoomi Dwarka, Gir Somnath, Junagadh, Jamnagar, Morbi, Porbandar, Rajkot,, Surendranagar

Save 8595524501 For Banaskantha, Kutch,Mahesana, Patan, Arvalli, Sabarkantha

Save 8595524523 Ahmedabad, Anand, Dahod, Gandhinagar, Kheda, Mahisagar, Panchmahal

If the order for the name has been confirmed after confirmation by the student, he / she will have to write in the reply.They will then receive a message that you are registered. From now on you will be able to practice playing here every week. And teachers will be able to cooperate with you better.

If you have more than one student from the same household, they will be able to join this registration. And other friends. Meaning this is multi user. Just oneHe will then be asked to reveal the subject raised last week before the current week. This subject is decided from here i.e. at the state level. That is what it is

Students will be able to practice the same subject during the week.And the question will ask do you want to practice? 1 reply for yes and 2 replies for no.

As soon as the student types 1 reply and is sent, the first question out of 10 questions of that subject will appear on the screen with a greeting message. And four options of answers will also appear.As soon as the student types the number for the answer, another question will appear on the screen.And four options of answers will also appear. Thus each time the student will type and send the number for the answer, the next question will come up and thus the question will come up to 10.

When 10 questions are answered, how many of the student's answers are correct? It will be displayed along with a PDF file of the correct answer key. As well as the issues in which the student's raw material is known, a link to the GVs will be sent. Videos about will be available there.Thus, real time assessment of all students of Std. 9 to 1 will be done under WhatsApp based weekly examination (self assessment).

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